The Political Physicist

 The ramblings of a left-wing research software engineer…

Articles with tag “Leo Panitch”

Why Social Democracy Was Great and Why It Isn’t the Answer

Yesterday I happened to read two very interesting articles, which at first glance would appear to be entirely unrelated. One was in New Scientist magazine and explained that, although GDP has risen fairly steadily in the west for the past several decades, the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), which attempts to adjust GDP for social and environmental health, has slowly been declining since 1978. The other article was an opinion piece in The Guardian by Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin. Here they explained why that without a threat of something more radical (ie: all-out socialism), the ruling classes see no need to engage in progressive economic policies.

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C. MacMackin
I am a research software engineer, writing code for scientists working on fusion energy. I am also an active member of the Prospect trade union.