It’s been the time of year for flying. There have been some many advances in the last few years. However, by and large, only those people who inexplicably manage to end up in business class are able to experience them. But what could flying under socialism be like?
Once the initial disappointment was over, I was able to step back and appreciate that this was a rather infantile post. While I stand by my comments that Tsipras was naive and feel that, if they weren’t going to use it to fight back against the EU, calling the referendum was ultimately harmful because of the ensuing economic turmoil, name calling such as this is not very helpful. On the other hand, I don’t wish to erase history, so I have decided to leave the post up, but with this disclaimer.
Well, it’s that time of year again. 95 years and 362 days ago we saw the Armistice that ended World War I. This marked the end of the first case technological war, which caused the world to realize the horrors that could be inflicted by industrial-scale killing. It was a horrible, pointless event in which some 16 million people lost their lives. I tend to identify as a moderate pacifist. My relative pacifism results in me having rather ambivalent feelings towards Remembrance Day. These are difficult to put into words, but I’m going to try my best here.
As you might have gathered from my blog posts here, I am pretty left wing. You know you’re pretty radical when you have to preface any explanation of your beliefs with “Well, I would not consider myself a communist.” And, while I am quite confidant in the validity of my beliefs, there are days when I really wish that I didn’t have them. So, without further ado, here are the top 10 reasons I wish I wasn’t a socialist.
As you may have noticed, there have been several blog articles released at the same time, today. The day before I went home for Christmas, the Raspberry Pi on which I host this blog refused to start and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it before it was time to leave. Also, I would like to draw your attention to a new link at the top of this page entitled Software.
Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve written one of these. It’s not that I haven’t had things to write about. But, alas, I’ve been too busy. The only reason that I’m writing right now, really, is because I can’t sleep. It’s becoming something of a problem for me.
Or, to put it another way, “Why I Hate it When People Say Things ‘Grow Exponentially.’” Something which I have been finding increasingly irksome is when people talk about something “growing exponentially,” when all that they really mean is that it is growing really quickly. I do wish that they could get this in their heads: just because it’s growing quickly doesn’t mean that it’s growing exponentially!
Well, it’s that time of year again. The air is turning cold (or, in today’s case, rainy), the last pay-cheque from my summer job went into my back account, I’ve made sure I’m stocked up on all of the supplies I’ll need, and another semester is about to start. I’ll be entering the third and penultimate year of my astrophysics degree (my god, it’s scary how quickly the time passes). I guess I’m supposed to be dreading this time of year, but I’m really not.
I was delighted to discover, several months ago now, that BBC had produced radio adaptations of some of the books by my favourite author, Terry Pratchett. Below is the first part of their adaptation of Guards! Guards! Take a listen!
Well, I’ve decided to announce this blog on Facebook. Having written two serious posts, one of which was quite work-intensive, I figured that there wasn’t much point in continuing if no one was going to read it. So it’s time to tell the world!