The Political Physicist

 The ramblings of a left-wing research software engineer…

Hello Facebookers!

Well, I’ve decided to announce this blog on Facebook. Having written two serious posts, one of which was quite work-intensive, I figured that there wasn’t much point in continuing if no one was going to read it. So it’s time to tell the world!

I admit that I’m still a little bit hesitant. This blog will contain some rather personal information. I’ve already made my sexual orientation quite clear on Facebook, but people wouldn’t find out unless they actually went looking. However, now that I’ve posted a link to this blog I will essentially have come out to the world. Not that I really mind—I’m not at all ashamed of who I am. It’s just a bit of a big step. What’s more, this will essentially be me officially “coming out” as a socialist. Ironically, if anything I find that scarier. Certainly I’m not quite ready to tell my parents that yet. They were fine with my being gay, but their love and support might only go so far… I jest. Mostly.

When I’ve written my previous articles it felt very much like they were going in a diary—they were only to help organize my thoughts and no one else would ever read them. Now, for better or for worse, that is about to change. Or perhaps it won’t; I guess it all depends on how interesting people find me. I hope that everyone out there will find me interesting enough to at least read some of what I have to say. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this far! Happy Friday!

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C. MacMackin
I am a research software engineer, writing code for scientists working on fusion energy. I am also an active member of the Prospect trade union.