The Political Physicist

 The ramblings of a left-wing research software engineer…

Articles with tag “Democracy”

Let’s Talk About Bell

The good people at Bell, through their Let’s Talk campaign, are once again donating money to mental health initiatives. Isn’t that nice of them? Well, no, it’s not, on several levels. First and foremost, if they really care about mental health then surely they can just donate the money anyway, rather than only do so if people share their Facebook posts.

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On Socialists and Scotsmen

Us socialists are often accused of preaching a failed ideology; one which has been shown to inevitably result in totalitarianism and impoverishment. I tend to respond by saying that I don’t see how socialism can have failed when the world has yet to see a socialist society. The inevitable objection that is given, not only by the right but also by the centre-left, is that this is an example of the “No True Scotsman Fallacy.” However, I feel that they are misunderstanding my point.

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C. MacMackin
I am a research software engineer, writing code for scientists working on fusion energy. I am also an active member of the Prospect trade union.